I made up my schedule Wednesday night of everything that needed to be done. I had everything planned out and was also planning I'd have some help from a friend and her boyfriend. Unfortunately the friend got sick at the last minute and wasn't able to come.
I managed to find the Thanksgiving parade online and had little mice watching with me. Then I got all of the pots and pans all set up for cooking.
Things got started cooking...
(Sorry for the blank space in the last row... I know. It bothers my OCD too.)
Towards the end, after the parade was over, I turned on the Grinch. I bolded everything as we went along so I knew what I'd done already.
The end result?
How was it? Well I survived the day. It was a little crazy at the end when everything needed to be done at once. The rolls took longer than planned, the yams needed to go back in because they were still hard, and I almost forgot the cranberry sauce until Kathrin asked about it. The turkey that I was so careful to check for a bag of innards still had one in there. (Next year: check the neck AND the butt.) The gravy was lumpy. The stuffing was alright and the mashed potatoes were good. The turkey was a little drier than ideal but not awful.
It was so nice to be able to celebrate this very American holiday though. I enjoyed talking to Deena though I do wish Alle could have come too. Oh, I also managed to massacre the turkey when I carved it because I have NO idea how to carve a bird. A carving fork would've helped too. Damn thing kept slipping around.
Next year, I'll be in the kitchen helping out but in between I'll be in the living room watching the parade on screen and then watching football. It will be very different but I'm sure I'll be thinking of this year and missing my girls.
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