Suburbs, Significance, and Superpowers
19. If you could live anywhere, where would it be and why?
If I could live anywhere, I would choose to live within a few hours of Washington, DC or London or maybe New York. If I hope to home school, I want to be able to take frequent field trips to museums and to have some "culture" in the area. I think having experiences is a big part of learning and I hope to let my children have those experiences as well. But I also want them to have the suburban life that I grew up with. I want them to have the safety of playing outside without Mommy right there behind them. I want them to be able to walk down the block without Mommy having a panic attack. And I want to be able to relax without the sound of traffic. A few hours outside of a city will also put me a few hours outside of the wilderness letting me escape to nature now and then.
20. Describe 3 significant memories from your childhood.
A) One of the few happy memories that I have of my parents together is camping. We always tried to get the same spot. It was right by the main office so we could easily get candy and get to the trails. There was a great tree for climbing and for hanging things to dry. There was a great place to pitch our tent and enough space to park the car and play in the grass. I still remember setting up our two tents (with the tunnel in between of course) and setting up the girls tent (me and mom) and the boys tent (dad and joey). We didn't even pack pajamas. We slept in our jeans in our sleeping bags and I think I even slept in socks (which I cannot do ever). We would play Uno at night and build a campfire. We talked and at food over the fire. I never remember my family fighting during these times. Except my brother throwing a handheld game at me and bruising me instantly.
B) Easter of 1999, my family went to my great-grandmother's to celebrate. We hadn't been there in years and I didn't recognize anyone. This is the first time I remember having an anxiety attack though I wouldn't connect the dots until a few months ago. I was so uncomfortable and so freaked out that I hid on the couch with my "big sister" until I found a cousin that I remembered. That overwhelming feeling of insecurity and paralyzing fear is one I still remember.
C) I will always remember the feeling of my Smokey curled up above my head whenever I was sick or sad. Or Chyna (who is still living at my grandmother's) tying my hair up in knots as I tried to sleep. Or moving Tigger's dead weight onto my lap when he was sleeping where I wanted to sit. And I will never forget curling up in the corner of our sectional sofa and refusing to say good-bye to my puppy, my Dutchess, before my dad took her to the vet to be put down. I thought if I refused to say good-bye, it wouldn't be real. My pets were a HUGE part of the first 13 years of my life and will always be a part of who I am. Smokey 2/20/90-3/9/06 Tigger 12/28/93-8/2006 Chyna 07/1998-present Dutchess 1997-1998
21. If you could have one superpower, what would it be and what would you do with it first?
If I could have one superpower, it would definitely be the ability to fly as long and as far as I wanted with as much weight as I needed to carry. My first course of action would be to fly around for a few hours marveling in the joy of the feeling of wind and the beauty of G-d's creation from a new angle.
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