Monday, October 29, 2012

What do I know of Holy?

It's 9PM here and it's been a long day. I started out taking oldest and youngest shopping. Sweet Pea grabbed at a few things when I'd rather she keep her hands to herself but was otherwise very good (then took a nap). Munchkin too was outstandingly well behaved. I got so much done and am so so thankful that I had good little girls. Without them behaving, I would have done the "Okay. I'm done. Let's pay and go home. I'll go back out on my own to finish." Instead, I got almost everything I needed. I managed to go to Tedi, KiK, AllFrisch, the Post Office, and Netto. Despite being super productive, and having such good girls, I was exhausted when I got home. Munchkin took a shower, Kathrin got home, and I took my break to recharge. I sought His face. I knew it was the only way I would be okay enough for the afternoon shift to end up not being called "Evil Vickey". (Note to self: When you've already put the little one through a long morning and you know you're tired, don't expect her not to be. I did get called Evil Vickey despite my efforts.)

In the afternoon, we made Jack O Lanterns. I did most of the work for all three but the girls helped clean 'em out and chose their shapes. Well the older two did at least. Nuria took a nap. And then I made pumpkin seeds. </ramble>

During my time with G-d though, a song came on from Addison Road that really struck me. I've included the video below but the very first verse just hit me.

I made You promises a thousand times
I tried to hear from Heaven
But I talked the whole time
I think I made You too small
I never feared You at all No
If You touched my face would I know You?
Looked into my eyes could I behold You?

I hope that this song will touch you like it touched me. In other news, during my afternoon off tomorrow, I need to get some things done for the party (like baking) but I'm also planning to get a prayer journal organized. Once it's set up, I'll share my system here.


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